Friday 4 November 2011

~Some thoughtful and inspirational Mathematical quotes~

I found a thoughtful quote from Facebook!!!! Make it your inspirational and motivational quote when you are CRACKING your head with your Advanced Functions' work and assignment!

"If people do not believe that mathematics is simple, it is only because they do not realize how complicated life is." ~John Louis von Neumann

This is truly indeed! If we are taking mathematics hard with a negative mind set, we will stuck in the sorrowful-mathematics-valley that you never able to climb up!

So, when you feel yourselves having a hard time dealing with maths work, here is another nice quote from my Advanced Functions lecturer, 

"This is life!" ~ Ms. Joanne Ho

From my own interpretation, life is only beautiful if it is hard. Things won't be good, nice, awesome, worthy, meaning, successful if we never meet failure or obstacles in our life! 

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